Latitudes / Jordan Wolfson

Jordan Wolfson: Around All Together, One Amongst Many

ProjecteSD, Barcelona, 8 June–4 August 2006

With the participation of: Angelo Ferreira de Sousa, Jenny Perlin, Michailis Pichler, Kirstine Roepstorff, Nikolaj Recke, Sebastián Romo and Jordan Wolfson. 

Co-curated by:
Víctor Palacios in collaboration with Kirstine Roepstorff and Latitudes

At the invitation of Latitudes and fresh from his participation in the 2006 Whitney Biennial, Jordan Wolfson produced a new sound work for the exhibition Alrededor de todos juntos, una entre tantas [Around all together, one amongst many], his first exhibition in Spain.

Inspired by ‘E pluribus unum’ [Out of Many, One], the US motto from 1782 and 1956, the show reflects on the spirit of collectiveness in the context of such well-meaning phrases and the very construction of a group exhibition.

Jordan Wolfson’s films, videos and installations, are composed with a generous conceptual and formal elegance, leaving themselves open to the viewer's emotional and interpretive response. In Day (2006), a new sound work specifically produced for the exhibition, he presents a sound recording of the lighting of matches. Simple, elegant and subtle, Day is, according to Wolfson, a story and a narrative where all moments have been removed except one. He finds in the sound (and inevitably in the image) of creating fire a metaphor for the beginning of an invention, a moment of change, destruction or transformation. Played on an open reel-to-reel player, the piece is presented as a construction where all the equipment is part of the work.

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