Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

25 de enero 2017, 19h: Presentación de la publicación "El misterio de caviria" de Antoni Hervàs en el Antic Teatre

Fotos: Latitudes.

El miércoles 25 de enero a las 19h se presentará la publicación resultante de la exposición "El misterio de caviria" de Antoni Hervàs coincidiendo con el espectáculo cabaretesco "El desplume!" evento mensual que organiza Eduardo Gión en el Antic Teatre (Carrer Verdaguer i Callis 12, 08003),
conducido por Víctor Guerrero
y concebido como un homenaje a Pierrot y a la escena cabaretesca barcelonesa.   

El libro se presentará a las 19h precediendo al espectáculo que empieza a las 21h (y cuya entrada cuesta 10 Euroscompra online o en taquilla). Durante la presentación Hervàs y Latitudes tutores del proyecto – reflexionarán sobre la ejecución del proyecto, la transformación del color, la condición mutante del dibujo, la red de afectos, de acciones y escenarios que ha activado "El misterio de caviria”. 

 Instalación en La Capella. Foto: Pep Herrero /La Capella BCN Producció'16.

Detalle de los ojos de Gilda Love. Foto: Pep Herrero /La Capella BCN Producció'16.

La publicación [en catalán, castellano e inglés] incluye una entrevista entre Antoni Hervàs y Latitudesartista y tutores del proyecto respectivamente – con grandes saltos en la historia
así como fotografías documentando la exposición. La edición corre a cargo del Ajuntament de Barcelona y The Flames y se puede comprar por 5 Euros.

Después del evento se podrá adquirir la publicación en la librería Múltiplos, en La Capella o a través de la web de Folch studio, diseñadores de la publicación y de la imagen gráfica del ciclo BCN Producció'16.

Aquí podéis ver un vídeo de la exposición (7'54'', catalán con subtítulos en castellano. Here with English subtitles) realizado por Hugo Barbosa.

Actuación de Juan de la Cruz “el Rosillo” (aka El Castañuelas) en lo que fue en el antiguo local de espectáculos Copacabana (en la actualidad el aparcamiento del departamento de cultura de Barcelona). Foto: @brillobox.

Actuación de Gerard López en el Frontón Colón, 18 de Septiembre 2016. Foto: Latitudes.
 Desfile de trajes de Víctor Guerrero en La Capella. Foto: Latitudes

BCN producció es una convocatoria anual dirigida a la comunidad artística de Barcelona y su área de influencia con el fin de apoyar la producción y presentación de tres exposiciones individuales en la Sala Gran de La Capella, tres en el Espai Cub, un proyecto de comisariado y dos proyectos deslocalizados. BCN producció es una iniciativa del Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (ICUB) del Ajuntament de Barcelona. 

Latitudes es parte del equipo tutorial de BCN Producció'16 junto al comisario David Armengol y la artista Mireia Sallarès. A lo largo del 2016 Latitudes ha tutorizado los proyectos de Pau Magrané/PLOM (Espai Cub, 27 abril–12 junio 2016) y Antoni Hervàs (Sala Gran, 16 septiembre–13 noviembre 2016), y la exposición de la comisaria Joana Hurtado Matheu (Sala Gran, 2 marzo–30 abril 2017) a lo largo de la conceptualización, formalización y producción de sus respectivos proyectos. 


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Tuesday 18 March, 17:30h: Book launch of "European contextualising in analytical sociology and ethnographical representation on history and present" and conversation between Remco Torenbosch and Max Andrews (Latitudes) at the Library Fundació Tàpies

This and following images, courtesy of Remco Torenbosch.
Book launch
"European contextualising in analytical sociology and ethnographical representation on history and present"
Tuesday 18 March, 17:30h
Library of the Fundació Tàpies
c/ Aragó 255, 08007 Barcelona
Limited seating available. Please RSVP info@noguerasblanchard.com

Book launch and conversation between Dutch artist and publication editor Remco Torenbosch and Barcelona-based curator Max Andrews of Latitudes.

In the context of the solo exhibition "European Contextualisation" by Dutch artist Remco Torenbosch (1982, Assen) opening next Thurday 20 March, 19h at NoguerasBlanchard, the gallery has organised the book launch of his most recent publication "European contextualising in analytical sociology and ethnographical representation on history and present" (Black Dog Publishing, 2014) at the library of Fundació Tàpies. The exhibition is part of the exhibition cycle "The Story Behind", curated by Direlia Lazo.

From the artist website:  

"Originally conceived for the Council of Europe, the successful design of the flag was later adopted by the European Union in 1985 whilst under the moniker of the European Economic Community. Designed by Arsene Heitz, a French draughtsman at the CoE, and Paul Levy, a Jewish-Belgian Holocaust survivor who worked for many years as the council's Director of Information, the finalised design was presented to the CoE in 1955 at its headquarters in Strasbourg, Heitz's hometown.

This publication profiles the documents, design proposals and written correspondence between Heitz, Levy and further collaborators that would form the painstakingly diplomatic development of an iconic vexillological moment. As part of the book's research, a collection of fabric monochromes woven by weavers from all 28 member states of the EU in the base colour of the flag was compiled. These collated monochromes as such become a map themselves of the socio-economic shift within EU member communities, an embodiment of the disappearing textile industries of Europe."

Author/Editor: Remco Torenbosch
Contributors: Charles Esche, Mihnea Mircan, Council of Europe Archive

Paperback: 244 pages
Publisher: Black Dog Publishing London

ISBN-13: 978-1908966698

This is the blog of the independent curatorial office Latitudes. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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Latitudes' "out of office" photo album 2011–2012

This is the fourth year (see 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12 posts) we say goodbye to the 2011–12 season with an 'out of office' post with some unseen and 'behind the scenes' moments lived in the past 11 months. 

Happy holidays/felices vacaciones readers! More Latitudes' via Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/LTTDS) and Twitter (@LTTDS). 

– Latitudes | www.lttds.org

22 September 2011: Back to the future. transferring the mp3 file of the new anthem commissioned by Fermín Jiménez Landa onto a cassette. Images of their show here.

21 September 2011: Lee Welch and Fermín Jiménez Landa talk about their show to MUSAC's staff.

21 September 2011: Newly framed works by Lee Welch (top left) and photos by Fermín Jiménez Landa (right).

22 September 2011: Watching concrete dry (Lee Welch and Fermín Jiménez Landa's exhibition plinths/border marks).

23 September 2011: Final rehearsal of La Cena band in the Laboratorio 987 space. Opening performance of 'Himno Nacional' here.

 Permission to parade through the streets and squares of León's centre on the 24th September.

  24 September 2011: Fermín Jiménez Landa (camera) Lee Welch (video recording) the "Himno Nacional" 'pasacalles' parade around the streets of León.

 12 October 2011: Finding 'The Last Newspaper' displayed at Walter König's bookstore while browsing for nice books during Frieze Art Fair, London.

13 November 2011: Jorge Satorre fixing one of the posters of the show, before we take off to discuss his and Erick Beltráns' project 'Modelling Standard', an interview that was published in the February issue of Atlántica magazine.

January 2012: Testing, testing... 'The Dutch Assembly' programme is available for smartphones.

 18 January: "Café con...Latitudes". Informal talk with Hangar artists-in-residence. Photo: Hangar. Latitudes have been part of Hangar's Programming Committee between 2010–13.

31 January 2012: Premis GAC 2012 award ceremony at MACBA's atrium. Mariana Cánepa of Latitudes' was part of this year's jury.

2 February 2012: "...y desde el 'backstage'" (leer aquí) de Vanessa Graell en el suplemento 'Tendències', El Mundo.

6 February 2012: Demonstration to pressure politicians to change their minds about stopping the plan for the Canòdrom to be the future Centre of Contemporary Art in Barcelona. The windows were whitewashed as it is done with unused facilities.

Artists whitewashing the Canòdrom windows. 

 12 February 2012: "Mataró Chauffeur Service" mangled at Matadero, Madrid.

13 February 2012, ARCOmadrid: Installed vinyls and posters for each of the The Dutch Assembly hourly talks, readings, artists' presentations, performances, book launches, in conversations and screenings throughout the five days of the fair. See the list here (and some audio recordings). Download full programme details here.

'The Dutch Assembly' was well connected.

13 February 2012: The Dutch Assembly 'Superstructure' space by Jasper Niens and Thijs Ewalts. In the picture, choir performance 'Care' by Rory Pilgrim, presented by De Hallen, Haarlem.

16 February 2012: Latitudes introducing Ann Demeester, Director De Appel, and Nathalie Hartjes, coordinator of the Gallerist Programme at De Appel, presented a round table discussion with (left to right): Jeanine Hofland (Jeanine Hofland Contemporary Art, Amsterdam), Rebeca Blanchard (NoguerasBlanchard, Barcelona) and Helga de Alvear (Helga de Alvear, Madrid) around the profession of the gallerist. Photo: Haco de Ridder.

Álvaro Calleja profiles The Dutch Assembly: "Un Puente entre dos naciones'/'a bridge between two nations" en el  ABCDArco, 16 February 2012.

February: At last...Lara Almarcegui's monograph is here! Edited by Latitudes. 

 16 March: Good morning Sharjah! Part one of the March Meeting report here.

Sharjah lunch with curator and 'El Cultural' critic, Javier Hontoria.

17 March: Latitudes' presentation on residencies (for artists and curators) during Sharjah's fifth March Meeting, which focused on 'Working with Artists and Audiences on Commissions and Residencies'. Latitudes' panel titled "Minding the Gap: the Critical Role of Smaller Organisations" had presentations by Hu Fang (Vitamin Creative Space, China) and Daniella Rose King (MASS Alexandria, Egypt), and was chaired by Samar Martha (ArtSchool Palestine, Palestine). More photos here. Photo: Posted during the conference on the Twitter account of @lamyaalsuwaidi

Glitzy souvenirs from Dubai, anyone? See more images of Dubai's trip.

 23 March 2012: Last day in the Emirates. Visiting Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi, one of the world's largest mosques. Read more on our trip to the Emirates on the blog (part 1, part 2 and part 3). 

 29 March (29M): General Strike in Spain. Many more demonstrations to come...

22 April: One of this year's exhibitions highlights: Xavier Le Roy's "Retrospective" at Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona. On the finissage, children almost stole the show joining performers.

Here, father (performer) and son, perform together at the finissage.

10 April 2012: The happy moment of receiving copies of Amikejo, a book we have been working on most of last winter. See images of the book here.

31 May: Manifesta 9 curator Cuauhtémoc Medina with artist Jeremy Deller. See Latitudes' photo report of Manifesta 9.

31 May: With Lara Almarcegui while she explains her work included in Manifesta 9, Genk. (see more pictures of Manifesta 9, here).

2 June: Visit the drielandenpunt for a remote book launch. This is the apex of the triangle-shaped borders of what was Amikejo.

2 June: Friends that come to a booklaunch in a remote place, the drielandenpunt ("Three-Country Point") in Dutch, or Dreiländereck ("Three-Country Corner") in German, or Trois Frontières ("Three Borders") in French." More images here. Photo: Klaas van Gorkum

 6 June 2012: Welcome to Germany! Brussels–Kassel train journey. A little German snack at Köln's Hauptbahnhof.

 6 June: A German, a Dane and an English man meet and greet in a square. (gallerist Johann König, artist Tue Greenfort and Max Andrews' of Latitudes in Friedrichtplatz, Kassel). See Latitudes' documenta (13) photo report here.

7 June: Launch of Maria Loboda's book at Karlsaue Park with music, smoke, and a pyramid of ice with 750 litres of champagne. See Latitudes' documenta (13) photo report here.

9 June: "Spain is dead" sign posted opposite Kassel's Fridericianum the day Spanish Ministry of Economy De Guindos, announced the financial "bailout".

8 June 2012: Chance meeting with Mr Weiner and Mr Weiner's tote bag in Kassel, good memories of our 2008 'The Crest of a Wave'.

15 June: Visiting lecturers, Máster en Arte, Museología y Crítica Contemporáneas, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. The session was preceded by an evening conference at CGAC on "The Curatorial Contract: Analogies and Case Studies". Photo: Pedro de Llano.

 16 June: Almejas, berberechos and cold beer in Santiago de Compostela. Galicia calidade! 

 19 July: iPad-photo-documenting Haegue Yang's piece produced for "Sense and Sustainability", Urdabai Arte 2012.

  A tangle of 2012 press and work passes.

All photos: Latitudes | www.lttds.org (except when noted otherwise in the caption of the photo). 

Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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SAVE THE DATE: Presentation of the publication 'Amikejo' with artist Fermín Jiménez Landa. Tuesday 22 May, 20h at Múltiplos, Barcelona

All photos: Latitudes | www.lttds.org

Latitudes will present the publication together with 'Amikejo' artist Fermín Jiménez Landa, who will discuss the project presented together with Lee Welch for the final exhibition of the cycle. Jiménez Landa will discuss one of the works, 'Himno Nacional' (2011), in which a marching band was commissioned to compose and play a new national anthem. Composed in the most archaic tradition, markedly romantic, military and patriotic, the anthem enacted a parodic attempt to reach a futile objective: the conquering of a small island in the Aegean Sea through invasion-by-sound.

The publication accompanies the cycle of four exhibitions by Pennacchio Argentato (29 January–3 April 2011); Iratxe Jaio & Klaas van Gorkum (9 April–12 June 2011); Uqbar (Irene Kopelman & Mariana Castillo Deball) (25 June–11 September 2011); Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch (24 September 2011–15 January 2012) that took place at the Laboratorio 987, the project space of MUSAC, León, thoughout 2011. (+ info...) 

Editor: Latitudes 

Publisher & Distribution: Mousse Publishing 

Format: 22.5 x 15.5cm, 216 pp, hardcover 

Texts: Giorgio Agamben, Theo Beckers, Latitudes, Peter Osborne, Georges Pérec, Menno Schilthuizen, Ryszard Zelichowski 

Language: English and Spanish 

ISBN: 9788896501832 
Price: 26 Euro 

The publication will be available for purchase during the presentation
Múltiplos is an independent bookshop that specialises in artists publications.

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Selected press coverage of 'The Dutch Assembly' at ARCOmadrid 2012

Rubén Grilo during his performance at 'The Dutch Assembly'. Space designed by Jasper Niens and Thijs Ewalts. Photo: Latitudes | www.lttds.org

(ES) Bea Espejo, "ARCO 2012, cifras y letras", El Cultural online, 23 November 2011

(UK) The Netherlands is the guest country at ARCOmadrid 2012, art-agenda.com, 13 February 2012

(ES) "ARCO 2012: Entrevista a Latitudes, comisarios de "The Dutch Assembly", Blog www.camilayelarte.blogspot.com, 15 Febrero 2012

(ES/UK) Álvaro Calleja, 'Un puente entre dos naciones/A bridge between two nations', ABCDArco, 16 Febrero 2012, p.7

(ES) Roland Groenenboom, "Holanda, reinventarse para sobrevivir", El Cultural, 17 Febrero 2012

(ES/UK) 'Kunstbeeld interviews Latitudes', special ARCOmadrid 2012 issue y en español aquí

(UK) Jolien Verlaek, "State of the arts: Spain - the Netherlands. Interview Mariana Cánepa Luna", Metropolis M, 18 February 2012

(ES) Entrevista con Mariana Cánepa, www.masdearte.com, 18 Febrero 2012

Videos ('The Dutch Assembly' related events/participants):

(ES) Entrevista a Lara Almarcegui, www.hoyesarte.tv, 15 Febrero 2012

(ES) Entrevista a Mariana Cánepa, www.hoyesarte.tv, 15 Febrero 2012

(ES) Entrevista a Adrià Julià, www.hoyesarte.tv, 18 Febrero 2012

'Care', performance by Rory Pilgrim at 'The Dutch Assembly' at ARCOmadrid, Metropolis M

+ info: 
The Dutch Assembly and programme details here.
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UOVO14 'GREEN – Ecology, Luxury & Degradation' Available now!


Issue #14 presents interviews, essays, projects and two CDs around art practices that resist the spectacularisation or romanticisation of ecological issues or the natural world. The issue was launched in Art Basel's Art Lobby on the 17 June (images below). See also inside the magazine here.

Where to find it? here
More info? here and here

[Photos: courtesy UOVO | The Bookmakers Ed. & MCH Swiss Exhibition Basel/Zurich AG]
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Photos of the launch of the publication 'LAND, ART: A Cultural Ecology Handbook' at the LCE, London

 All images: Latitudes | www.lttds.org
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